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Skilled Worker Immigration

Québec-selected skilled workers

Québec Skilled Workers are assessed under a selection system different from the Federal Skilled Worker program. Citizenship and Immigration Canada recognizes the applications of applicants who meet the selection criteria for skilled workers in Quebec.

A selection certificate is issued for Québec applicants who meet the criteria of the selection system for immigration to Quebec.

To qualify for a Québec Skilled Worker Selection Certificate, one must obtain a minimum of 50 points as a function of the Québec selection grid below. If the applicant has a spouse, partner or conjugal partner, a minimum of 57 points is required.

The criteria for selection of Quebec are as follows:

Training maximum of 29 points (cutoff score: 2)
Validated job offer maximum of 10 points
Professional experience maximum of 9 points
Age maximum of 18 points
Language skills maximum of 22 points
Stay and family in Québec maximum de 9 points
Caracteristics of spouse or common-law maximum of 18 points
Accompanying children maximum of 8 points
Financial self-sufficiency up to 1 point (cutoff score: 1)

Please note that a maximum of 8 points will be added during the interview for the criterion of adaptability, in which case, the applicant must only obtain a minium of 57 points. With regard to applicants with a spouse or partner, they will get 68 points .

In addition, applicants and their dependents must undergo a medical examination and security screening. Processing times under the category of skilled workers in Quebec vary from visa office to another.

Federal skilled workers

To be accepted as a Federal Skilled Worker for immigrating to a Canadian province or territory other than Québec, applicants are evaluated on a series of six factors.

These selection factors are designed to indicate who is able to integrate into the economic life of Canada. An applicant must attain a minimum of 67 points to qualify as a skilled worker.

The selection criteria are:

Education maximum of 25 points
Language skills maximum of 24 points
Professional experience maximum of 21 points
Age maximum of 10 points
Arranged employment maximum of 10 points
Adaptability maximum of 10 points

Regardless of the number of points awarded, officials from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) are still able to accept or refuse an application in accordance with an alternative assessment.

In addition to obtaining a minimum of 67 points and have experience in one of 38 skilled occupations, applicants must show they have enough money to meet their needs and those of their charge after their arrival in Canada. In addition, applicants and their dependents must undergo a medical examination and security screening, two steps required in the immigration process.

The processing time and costs to process an application varies from Immigration Canada office to another.